March 24, 2023

Physical health of mentally ill

The high mortality rate among people with mental illness is due to the coexistence of physical health problems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and infectious diseases and cancer, which are often preventable conditions.
February 16, 2023

A culture of neglect

Mohenjo-Daro, a metropolis of the 5,000-year-old Indus Valley Civilisation, is in a pitiable state, beset with a host of threats, both natural and anthropocentric.
February 13, 2023

Right to the city

The recent rape of a woman in Islamabad's F-9 park is a brutal reminder of the precariousness of women's safety in public spaces.
February 9, 2023

Saving the IWT

The Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan is currently under threat, as India has proposed changes to its conflict-resolution clauses.